Tungkillo Harmony Lunch – 25 March 2023

Dear Comrades, Colleagues, Family, Friends, Neighbours and Strangers,
Just a reminder to join us again for our traditional (but still slightly Socially Distanced) Harmony Lunch at Dot’s, Trent’s and Adam’s “Dotted Hills” Farm on Saturday, 25 March 2023 from 11:00 for 12:30 shared lunch.

Take your partners, kids and friends. Bring your favourite eats and drinks and a small lunch plate to share (the more Ukrainian the better, we should have Ukrainian version of barszcz, our beetroot soup). Bring your smile, good humour and stories to share around the fire, don’t forget longsleevs, hats and gumboots. Meet, talk, sing, eat and drink, all responsibly. I will have small supplies of HopThief, WildYak, Żołądkowa Gorzka and Pigwowa (supplies restored during recent holidays in Poland:) … etc. Previous TUDAs have some pics and vids HERE, HERE, and HERE.

RSVP: let me know if you are coming, camping or you don’t want to receive any further invitations from me.

Hope to see you ALL. Feel free to pass this invite to Other Good People to come and say hello. Just let me know.

Best Rgds
Adam Poldeg Grajczyk THD11WX23

DIRECTIONS: Lot 22 Brinkworth Range Road, Tungkillo; gate https://goo.gl/maps/CDPjtUq21RS2 – turn on satellite view.
Navigate to Mt Torrens Hotel and from there in the direction of Tungkillo / Mannum on the Terlinga Road. Go for 9.7km – turn right into Harrogate Rd (dirt road from here, I can pick you up if you don’t do dirty). Go for 1.1km; turn left into Collins Rd. Go for 1.7km, turn left onto Brinkworth Range Rd. 550m up Brinkworth Range Rd, our gate is on the right with arrow and signs “Dotted Hills” and “Adam Poldeg” on the gate.

If you need help, call and I will come in my ute (white Triton) to pick you up.

Don’t forget to close the gate, leave key in the lock. Follow the arrow.

E: poldeg@hotmail.com T: +61 408288854

TUDA10 Harmony Lunch at Tungkillo – Saturday, 24 September 2022

Dear Strangers, Neighbours, Colleagues, Comrades, Friends and Family, Przyjaciółki i Przyjaciele,

Reminder to join us for our traditional, TENTH (but Still Socially Distanced) Harmony Lunch at our “Dotted Hills” Farm on Saturday, 24 September 2022 from 11:00 for 12:30 shared lunch.

Come with your partners, comrades, kids and friends. Bring your favourite eats and drinks and a small lunch plate to share – the more ethnic the better, I will have our traditionally hot bigos (also slightly vegan version). Don’t forget your gumboots, longsleevs and hats. And, most importantly, bring your smile, good humour and stories to share around the fire. Meet, talk, eat and drink responsibly. I will have small supplies of HopThief, WildYak, Żołądkowa Gorzka and Pigwowa (it’s back after successful trip to Europa)… etc …

Expect basic facilities, flowing creek, wet and cold weather – … Some group hugs and photos from the past are HEREHere and here.

RSVP: let me know if you are coming, camping or you don’t want to receive any further reminders from me.

Hope to see you ALL. And feel free to pass it to Other Good People to come and join us.

Best Rgds

Adam Poldeg Grajczyk

DIRECTIONS: Brinkworth Range Rd, Tungkillo; gate https://goo.gl/maps/CDPjtUq21RS2 – turn on satellite view. Navigate to Mt Torrens Hotel and from there in the direction of Tungkillo / Mannum on the Terlinga Road. Go for 9.7km – turn right into Harrogate Rd (dirt road from here, I can pick you up if you don’t do dirty). Go for 1.1km; turn left into Collins Rd. Go for 1.7km, turn left onto Brinkworth Range Rd. 550m up Brinkworth Range Rd, our gate is on the right with arrow and signs “Dotted Hills” and “Adam Poldeg”.

Close the gate, leave key in the lock, follow the arrow to the right. Unload near the shed and park your car as signed.

E: poldeg@hotmail.com T: +61 408288854

TUDA9 Harmony Lunch at Tungkillo Saturday, 26 March 2022

Dear Family, Friends, Comrades, Colleagues and Strangers,

Just a reminder to join us again for our traditional (Vaccinated and Boosted but still Socially Distanced) Harmony Lunch Numero Nueve at Dot’s, Trent’s and Adam’s “Dotted Hills” Farm on Saturday, 26 March 2022 from 11:00 for 12:30 shared lunch.

Take your partners, kids and friends. Bring your favourite eats and drinks and a small lunch plate to share (the more Ukrainian the better, I will have our Slavic traditionals). Bring your smile, good humour and stories to share around the fire, don’t forget longsleevs, hats and gumboots. Meet, talk, sing, eat and drink responsibly. I will have small supplies of HopThief, WildYak, Żołądkowa Gorzka, (no Pigwowa, supply chain issues) … etc

Previous TUDAs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYwKRQKfiJo&list=PLgDAEN3DGxkWgniQeSXUoeJWXky1MK5Ap 

Stay minutes, hours, or days …

RSVP: let me know if you are coming, camping or you don’t want to receive any further invitations from me.

Hope to see you ALL. And feel free to pass it to Other Good People to come and say hello.

Best Rgds

 Adam Poldeg Grajczyk

DIRECTIONS: Brinkworth Range Rd, Tungkillo; gate https://goo.gl/maps/CDPjtUq21RS2 – turn on satellite view. Navigate to Mt Torrens Hotel and from there in the direction of Tungkillo / Mannum on the Terlinga Road. Go for 9.7km – turn right into Harrogate Rd (dirt road from here, I can pick you up if you don’t do dirty). Go for 1.1km; turn left into Collins Rd. Go for 1.7km, turn left onto Brinkworth Range Rd. 550m up Brinkworth Range Rd, our gate is on the right with arrow and signs “Dotted Hills” and “Adam Poldeg”.

If you need help, call and I will come in my ute (white Triton) to pick you up.

Don’t forget to close the gate, leave key in the lock. Follow the path left.

E: poldeg@hotmail.com T: +61 408288854

TUDA #7 – Sat, 27 March 2021

Dear Strangers, Colleagues, Comrades, Friends and Family,

I invite you to join us for a Socially Distanced Harmony Lunch at Dot’s, Trent’s and Adam’s “Dotted Hills” Farm on Saturday, 27 March 2021 from 11:00 for 12:30 shared lunch.

Bring your partners, kids and friends.
Bring your favourite eats and drinks and a small lunch plate to share (the more ethnic the better, I will have the traditional bigos).
Don’t forget your gumboots, longsleevs and hats.
And, most importantly, bring your smile, good humour and stories to share around the fire.
Meet, eat and drink responsibly.
I will have small supplies of HopThief, WildYak, Żołądkowa Gorzka, Pigwowa … etc …
Unfortunately no vaccines yet … ?

Facilities still basic, … but you will be fine. Previous previous TUDAs group hugs are here: http://www.dottedhills.farm/?p=194), latest one was not documented ☹

Stay minutes, hours, or days …

RSVP: let me know if you are coming, camping or you don’t want to receive any further invitations from me.

Hope to see you ALL. And feel free to pass it to Other Good People to come and say hello.

Best Rgds

Adam Poldeg Grajczyk

Brinkworth Range Rd, Tungkillo; gate https://goo.gl/maps/CDPjtUq21RS2 – turn on satellite view.
Navigate to Mt Torrens Hotel and from there in the direction of Tungkillo / Mannum on the Terlinga Road.
Go for 9.7km – turn right into Harrogate Rd (dirt road from here, I can pick you up if you don’t do dirty).
Go for 1.1km; turn left into Collins Rd.
Go for 1.7km, turn left onto Brinkworth Range Rd.
550m up Brinkworth Range Rd, our gate is on the right with the sign “Dotted Hills”.
If you need help, call and I will come in my ute (white Triton) to pick you up.

Don’t forget to sign into the book at the gate, close the gate, leave key in the lock.
Follow the left path.

E: poldeg@hotmail.com T: +61 408288854

Socially Distanced Harmony Lunch 26/09/2020

Dear All Good People,

You are invited to join us for Socially Distanced Harmony Lunch at Dot’s, Trent’s and Adam’s “Dotted Hills” Farm on Saturday, 26 September 2020 from 11:00 for 12:30 shared lunch.

Take your partners, kids and friends. Bring your favourite eats and drinks and a small lunch plate to share (the more ethnic the better). Don’t forget your gumboots, longsleevs and hats. And, most importantly, bring your smile, your good humour and your stories to share. Meet friendly people, chat in English, Polish, German or any other language you know, eat what you and others share, drink responsibly. I will have antiviral supplies of HopThief, WildYak, Żołądkowa Gorzka, Pigwowa … etc …

Stay 2 minutes, 2 hours or 2 days or more … Please let me know if you plan to camp.

Our facilities are basic, … but you will be fine, we have hand hygiene technology and small pit for a big fire. And creek is still flowing, if you need a bath!

Couple of mementos from previous TUDAs group hugs are here: http://www.dottedhills.farm/?p=194)

RSVP: ASAP. Let me know if you need more info or you don’t want to receive any further invitations from me.

Hope to see you ALL. And feel free to pass it to other Good People to come and say hello to us.

Best Rgds

 Adam Poldeg Grajczyk

DIRECTIONS: Brinkworth Range Rd, Tungkillo; gate co-ords https://goo.gl/maps/CDPjtUq21RS2 – turn on satellite view.
Easiest route is to navigate to the Mt Torrens Hotel and from there in the direction of Tungkillo / Mannum on the Terlinga Road.
Go for 9.7km – turn right into Harrogate Rd (dirt road from here).
Go for 1.1km; turn left into Collins Rd.
Go for 1.7km, turn left onto Brinkworth Range Rd.
550m up Brinkworth Range rd, our gate is on the right with a large wooden sign, “Dotted Hills”.
If you need help. I will come in my ute (Triton) to pick you up.

Don’t forget to close the gate, leave key in the lock, once on the property, follow the path to the left.

Text / call me +61 408288854, email poldeg@hotmail.com

TUDA#4 results

Couple of my attempts of photos from the video I made – pre-crash and crash-recovery – this was quite an achievement for the small aircraft …

My second attempt of a drone group hug video failed miserably. There were many reasons, but in the end it is mea culpa – I took too long and was in the wrong spot. Mea maxima culpa. The only thing I can do now is to work hard on my drone skills and try to improve the next time.

Couple of short clips are now on youtube here and here (only people with the links can see them).

Compare these with this previous attempt and you will understand what I mean by improve …

Adam Poldeg Grajczyk

First Spring Equinox Catch-Up

Dear Przyjacielu,

You are invited to visit Adam, Dot and Trent at their farm

WHEN: Saturday, 21 September 2019, from 12noon for 12:30pm lunch

WHERE: https://goo.gl/maps/CDPjtUq21RS2 Brinkworth Range Rd, Tungkillo;

WHAT: Lunch and Camping. Take yourself, bring your partners, kids, friends. If you wish, bring your favourite drinks (if quince for adult non-drivers or hop thief 9 are not for you), eats (if limited edition best beef/lamb in the world on the bbq with backed potatoes is not your thing) and desert (we have marshmallows to roast). Take your gumboots, wandering shoes, long sleeves and hat, we have sunscreen.

Most importantly – bring your smile, your good humour and stories to share. Meet, wonder, swim (creek is flowing), paddle, race the cork boats, catch yabbies and fish (good luck!), play games, take part in competitions, seek gold, chat in English, Polish or any other language you know, eat and drink. Just be …

Stay for minutes, hours, days or longer (bring your swag). I will make you a coffee on Sunday.

Not much there still (sigh), but you will be fine, we have the basics (including working fire pit). More info and group hug from March is on our web at http://www.dottedhills.farm/?p=184

DIRECTIONS: Gate on googler: https://goo.gl/maps/CDPjtUq21RS2 – turn on satellite view. Easiest is to Mt Torrens Hotel and then direction Tungkillo / Mannum (Terlinga Road) – go for 9.6km – turn right into Harrogate Rd (dirt road from here), go for 1.2km; turn left into Collins Rd, go for 1.7km, turn left onto Brinkworth Range Rd – last 550m and gate on the right hand side (arrow > DottedHills). Keep an eye out for markers as I will mark all turns on dirt road.

Call / text me on +61 408288854 or email poldeg@hotmail.com if you need help. I will come in my ute (Triton) and pick you up.

RSVP: as soon as you can, no later than Friday, 20 September 2019. Email or text or phone. Let me know if you don’t want to receive any further invitations, feel free to pass it to whoever you think would like to come and say hello to us.

Hope to see you ALL.

REMINDER: Don’t forget to close the gate, drive safely, watch out for kangaroos and sheep. And please don’t open any internal gates.

Adam Poldeg Grajczyk +61 408288854 poldeg@hotmail.com